Micro Structures & Sensors Lab
Kenny Group @ Stanford

Camille Everhart

Ph.D. Candidate

everhart :at: mems.stanford.edu
440 Escondido Mall, Bldg 530 Rm 224, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Advisor: Thomas W. Kenny



Stanford University
(2015 - present) Ph.D. Candidate in Mechanical Engineering
(2013 - 2015) MS, Mechanical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(June 2013) SB, Mechanical Engineering - Micro/Nano-Systems


Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility, Ithaca, NY
NNIN REU Intern, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (June 2012–August 2012)

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
MUST Scholar Intern, Flight Vehicle Research and Technology Division – Aeromechanics (June 2010–August 2010)

NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
INSPIRE Intern, Structures and Materials Division – Mechanics and Life Prediction (June 2009–August 2009 )

NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
INSPIRE Intern, Space Experiments and Processes Division - BioScience and Technology (June 2008–August 2008)

Fellowships / Awards

Stanford Graduate Fellowship (SGF): Chambers Fellow
Tau Beta Pi
Sigma Xi
Pi Tau Sigma
Ron Brown Scholar
Freeman-ASIA Scholar
Gilman Scholar


Kirsten E. Kaplan, Martin M. Winterkorn, Camille L.M. Everhart, Dongsuk D. Shin, Gary J. O'Brien, Fritz B. Prinz, and Thomas W. Kenny, "Active temperature compensation of thermal accelerometer for improved stability," 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL), pp. 1-2, Mar 2018.
Camille L.M. Everhart, Kirsten E. Kaplan, Martin M. Winterkorn, Heungdong Kwon, J Provine, Mehdi Asheghi, Kenneth E. Goodson, Fritz B. Prinz, and Thomas W. Kenny, "High stability thermal accelerometer based on ultrathin platinum ALD nanostructures," 2018 IEEE 31st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 976-979, Jan 2018.
Liu H, Yang Q, Radhakrishnan K, Whitfield DE, Everhart CLM, Parsons-Wingerter P, Fisher SA, “Role of VEGF and Tissue Hypoxia in Patterning of Neural and Vascular Cells Recruited to the Embryonic Heart,” Developmental Dynamics 238(11):2760-9 (2009).